Do I have to be a large business to benefit from working with you?

Absolutely not! We work with businesses of all size. In fact, small businesses can often times benefit from our services the most. This is because they often times do not have the resources (or knowledge) available to effectively manage a packaging program. When this is the case, there is no better time to hire a sherpa.

I already have a person handling our packaging, can I still benefit from your services?

Yes, we work closely with in-house folks all the time. The role of a sherpa is to free up time, thus allowing you to focus on other areas of the business.

Why wouldn’t I just hire someone to do this for me?

You certainly could. And based on your need, that may be the best option. But if your considering full time staff vs a sherpa, consider this: at an assumed $20/hour (and this is on the low end), your annual cost will be over nearly $40,000 / year. And this does not include the cost to hire, benefits, retention, etc. A sherpa will cost a fraction of this. At our most expensive packages, you will be paying well over half of this, with no added employee costs.

More coming soon…

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